A photo documentary from
Misan Harriman & Domizia Salusest
Today, I’m going out with one of my three grandsons. He’s 13 years old and he’s got a particular interest in something called geocaching. You get all sorts of clues through an app on your phone and you go trying to hunt for hidden things out in the countryside.
We’ll come back covered in thorns and rather muddy. But it’ll be fun. You know, you come back feeling rather knackered.
Now that he’s nearly 14, I have a hard time keeping up with him. I’m very gratified that he still wants to spend time with me, because I keep thinking he’s going to find that it’s uncool to go somewhere with your grandpa.
I hope this also will be a day that I can look back on afterwards and feel that was a day well spent. It was good for me, it was good for my grandson, and we came away feeling satisfied and pleased.